6 Steps to Help You Get the Most out of AMZDiscover and Gain more Positive Reviews

  • reviewers

There may be a sense of excitement when you collect the email addresses of many trustworthy reviewers from AMZDiscover, but if you do not take full advantage of them, they may be of no use. Recently, our customer service team at AMZDiscover has received many emails from enthusiastic clients, asking for email marketing tips. As you may or may not know, every step is of great importance: from using tools like AMZDiscover to scout for basic resources, all the way through to the email marketing itself. So what should you be doing to optimize this process and ensure more customers open and respond to your requests?

We have interviewed some of our more prolific clients that have managed to collect more than 40,000 email addresses using AMZDiscover. They have shared some of their experiences relating to email collection and email marketing to help you get more out of this process.

Step 1: Find the most suitable reviewers for your product


You must focus on product listings that your target customers will also be interested in when using AMZDiscover to collect email addresses. Only by targeting those customers you suspect may genuinely want your product, can ensure higher email response rates.

So how can you do this? Let’s take a look at an example. If your product is an iPhone X adapter of some sort, then your target customer should be someone who already owns an iPhone X. Therefore, customers that have already left a review in listings relating to iPhone X products are those you should be seeking. iPhone X screen protectors, iPhone X earphones, and iPhone X charge cables would be the kind of listings to look for. Reviewer emails collected within these listings are highly likely to belong to people who already own an iPhone X. If you then send an email with iPhone X related product(s) requesting a review, it’s more likely they will respond to your request.

This is what we call an accurate reviewer.


Step 2: Choose your reviewers


A reviewer’s rank can be viewed on the AMZDiscover dashboard. It is probably best to avoid contacting top reviewers that have higher rankings, as there will be lots of other people contacting them already. However, those reviewers that have medium or lower rankings are a real treasured resource, as they are often ignored. Feedback from our current customers suggests that contacting this group of people normally yields a higher response rate. As well as this, it is also important to choose your potential reviewers according to the quality of the product listing and review.


Step 3: Create an extensive mailing list


To get an adequate amount email responses, you will need to send an abundance of emails. This is because some users may have already purchased a similar product, may not be interested in your product, or are simply too busy to reply. Therefore, it makes sense to find a large number of reviewers that may want to cooperate with you first, to ensure you get your desired response rate later down the line.

In general, it would be a good idea to try to find at least 1,000 email addresses, in order to get a reasonable response rate. If you’ve only collected a few email addresses and sent scattered emails, you will probably miss a lot of qualified reviewers. Our most prolific clients send large volumes of emails, making the response rate equally large.

You can submit one listing URL in one go using AMZDiscover, and wait for the system to automatically gather email addresses for you. When the search is complete, you will receive an automatic email reminder to let you know.


Step 4: Prepare your email template carefully


After creating your mailing list, you will need to prepare a well-written email template. This is possibly the most important stage of email marketing.

A good title directly affects how many people will open your email and the content within needs to be written in a way that successfully persuades a reviewer to cooperate with you. Some people may be tempted to choose a template and content that is quick and convenient to save time, but this can naturally lead to a lower response rate.

Try to put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes and ask yourself: What kind of mail do you expect to receive? What kind of title will appeal to you? What kind of content will make you want to do this review? What kind of tone will impress you?

Our more prolific clients have ran A/B tests by simultaneously creating multiple email templates with different titles and content relating to their products, before sending them to potential customers, paying close attention to the titles and content that gives the highest response rate. They have found that tailoring an email template to stand out from standard marketing emails is vital in order to increase the number of replies you receive.

Here is a popular template often used by our biggest clients.


This is {your name} from {your company}, specialized in {your brand} product giveaways and feedback research.

We obtained your contact information through Google and Social Media and can see that you are an enthusiastic consumer within the {your product catalog} field.

We would like to invite you to try the newly-released {your product} free of charge, and simply appreciate your honest opinion on it.

Please let us know if this is something that interests you. We look forward to your response.


Privacy Policy: We take your privacy seriously. Your information is secure with us and will only be used regarding this product trial. We also guarantee our products are safe, and we are FDA certified.


{your website}

{your brand}


Step 5: Choose a reliable EDM platform


The novice seller or the seller who has only recently begun their Email Direct Marketing (EDM) campaign is likely to send emails manually, one by one. However, this is not the optimal method, and to increase email delivery efficiency and better analyze the EDM effect, common practice is to use a third-party EDM mail system platform for mass mailing. This not only saves a huge amount of time and labor, but also facilitates data statistics with specific tools to analyze the effect of EDM on your business, allowing you to take any lessons and better enhance your next EDM campaign.

Attention should be paid to the quality of your EDM platform, as some have been blacklisted by many users. If the service supplier has been blacklisted, any mail sent by them will fail to be delivered, or be sent to a recipients spam folder. As well as this, email delivery times should also be considered. Pay attention to any time differences between you and your potential reviewer. Delivery time should be tested to ensure mail arrives at an appropriate time for the recipient.


Step 6: Follow up any responses in a timely manner


You can export your AMZDiscover mailing list to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. If a reviewer shows an interest in your email, a proper follow-up will be needed. It is also important to keep a record of every stage in the email marketing process, from a first response to any final cooperation, in order to optimize the whole process.


Q & A: Can I send multiple review requests to the same email address?

In general, it is not a good idea to send one email address multiple review requests. For maximum conversation rates, try to only use each email address once. However, this can differ depending on your circumstances. Recipients who have previously replied to review requests can be added to your list of customers, and can be invited to purchase products or take part in other product reviews in the future. Any recipients who have worked well with you on previous product reviews can also be invited to assist you with further reviews. It is also generally more acceptable to contact recipients multiple times during marketing campaigns that are not review-oriented.

To simplify things, as long as the recipient replies, cooperation can be expected. After you have reached this stage, you should try to guide your potential reviewer toward purchase, payment and refund, ensuring that every step is simple and straightforward for them.

We will continue to keep you updated with more effective marketing methods on a regular base. If you have any suggestions, please get in contact with us. We can offer Coins in return for any excellent suggestions you may have.

2021-10-20T02:20:22+00:00 April 1st, 2020|Reviews & Feedback|8 Comments


  1. Tim July 25, 2018 at 7:16 am - Reply

    In the outreach template it says “We would like to invite you to try the newly-released {your product} free of charge, simply in exchange for your honest feedback.”

    How do you let them order it from Amazon free of charge?

    • linna September 4, 2018 at 12:54 am - Reply


  2. Brianna September 8, 2018 at 5:58 pm - Reply

    Thanks to the great guide

  3. Zoltan September 16, 2018 at 9:31 pm - Reply

    I’m also interested in this, is there any way to send them a free trial product without hurting Amazon Terms of Use about reviews?
    Also, what EDM you recommend? These are not subscribers so I can only use cold emails to approach them? Thanks

  4. Charlotte Bradshaw October 16, 2018 at 7:07 pm - Reply

    What should the subject line be- so they won’t delete the email

    • Victor Ramirez October 24, 2018 at 8:11 am - Reply

      You can learn from other articles about email marketing.

  5. Blanchee February 15, 2019 at 9:55 am - Reply

    What kind of EDM platform do you suggeste? Is Gmail good enough to choose as the EDM platform?

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